Congratulations to Dr. Caleb Wright on his new position in the Data Analytics and Machine Learning arm of Chick-Fil-A. Dr. Wright was an important member of our laboratory since 2017, focused on network dynamics during sensory adaptation. We will miss his science, computational skills, mentoring, and collegiality!! Good luck Caleb!
Congratulations to Caleb on his new position!
Congratulations to Aurelie on her new position!
Congratulations to Dr. Aurelie Pala on her new position as a Research Scientist in the Jaeger Laboratory in the Department of Biology at Emory University. Dr. Pala was a key member of our laboratory since 2015, focused on inter-hemispheric interactions in bilateral sensing. We will miss her science, experimental skills, mentoring, … More Congratulations to Aurelie on her new position!
Congratulations Elaida for being selected for the Gilliam Fellowship!
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) has awarded Elaida Dimwamwa and her advisor, Garrett Stanley, the Gilliam Fellowship! The fellowship will support Elaida in her many endeavors, including unlocking the role of corticothalamic feedback on sensory perception as well as advancing diversity and inclusion in science. Elaida’s achievement was featured … More Congratulations Elaida for being selected for the Gilliam Fellowship!
Yi Liew Successfully Defends her PhD Thesis!
Congratulations on the great thesis defense, Yi! We are all very excited about this tremendous achievement! Yi’s thesis is entitled “The Timescales of Transformation Across Brain Structures in the Thalamocortical Circuit.” Her work is focused on how sensory information is transformed across multiple brain regions, from peripheral sensors, to subcortical … More Yi Liew Successfully Defends her PhD Thesis!
Many Recent Papers to Celebrate!
The Stanley Lab had a busy 2021-2022, with many papers hitting the stands that represent the culmination of a ton of hard work. Good work, everyone! Here are the highlights: Y. J. Liew, A. Pala, C. J. Whitmire, W. A. Stoy, C. R. Forest, G. B. Stanley, Inferring thalamocortical monosynaptic connectivity in-vivo, … More Many Recent Papers to Celebrate!