Elaida Dimwamwa Successfully Defends Her PhD Thesis!

Congratulations on an outstanding thesis defense, Elaida! What a compelling presentation—it truly was the culmination of your hard work, determination, and perseverance, with a bit of fun along the way! So excited to see all your efforts paying off and can’t wait to see what incredible things Elaida does next!!!

Yi Liew Successfully Defends her PhD Thesis!

Congratulations on the great thesis defense, Yi! We are all very excited about this tremendous achievement! Yi’s thesis is entitled “The Timescales of Transformation Across Brain Structures in the Thalamocortical Circuit.” Her work is focused on how sensory information is transformed across multiple brain regions, from peripheral sensors, to subcortical … More Yi Liew Successfully Defends her PhD Thesis!

Stanley Lab Awarded New $275K Grant To Study Bilateral Touch Integration

The Stanley Lab secured a 2 year R21 Grant from the NIH/NINDS entitled “Interhemispheric interactions underlying bilateral somatosensation”.  In this work, we will elucidate the neocortical laminar and cellular basis of interhemispheric computations underlying bilateral tactile interactions, and reveal their role in bilateral stimulus encoding and perception. We will investigate … More Stanley Lab Awarded New $275K Grant To Study Bilateral Touch Integration

Congratulations to Michael Bolus for receiving the J. Norman and Rosalyn Wells Fellowship

Michael Bolus, PhD candidate, was awarded the J. Norman and Rosalyn Wells Fellowship for graduate students in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Emory and Georgia Tech. This fellowship is awarded to doctoral students who are conducting meritorious research in the areas of neuroengineering or brain tumors, in recognition of … More Congratulations to Michael Bolus for receiving the J. Norman and Rosalyn Wells Fellowship

Aurelie Pala receives Swiss National Science Foundation Fellowship

 Aurelie Pala has received the prestigious Swiss National Science Foundation Early Postdoc Mobility Fellowship. Early Postdoc.Mobility fellowships are designed for postdocs at the beginning of their career who wish to enhance their scientific profile by working at a research institution abroad. Details on the award can be found here