Congratulations to Savannah and Nayanika for completing their masters!

We would like to congratulate lab member Savannah Linen for completing her Masters in Bioinformatics at GT, and lab member Nayanika Biswas for completing her Masters in Robotics at GT!  They did great work in the lab, and everyone will miss them a lot!!!!!

Elaida Dimwamwa Successfully Defends Her PhD Thesis!

Congratulations on an outstanding thesis defense, Elaida! What a compelling presentation—it truly was the culmination of your hard work, determination, and perseverance, with a bit of fun along the way! So excited to see all your efforts paying off and can’t wait to see what incredible things Elaida does next!!!

Society for Neuroscience Meeting 2023

We will be attending and presenting at SfN 2023 in DC! Please come and visit! Chris will present a poster titled “The recruitment of layer six corticothalamic neurons in sensory behavior” Presentation Time: November 14, 2023, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM, WCC Halls A-C We are excited to attend the … More Society for Neuroscience Meeting 2023