1st year PhD student Elaida Dimwamwa was awarded the NSF pre-doctoral fellowship and plans to investigate the role of cortico-thalamic feedback in shaping tactile perception.
Congratulations to Elaida Dimwamwa for being selected as NSF Pre-Doctoral Fellow!
New Publication – Primary tactile thalamus spiking reflects cognitive signals
Abstract: Little is known about whether information transfer at primary sensory thalamic nuclei is modified by behavioral context. Here we studied the influence of previous decisions/rewards on current choices and preceding spike responses of ventro-posterior medial thalamus (VPm, the primary sensory thalamus in the rat whisker-related tactile system). We trained head-fixed … More New Publication – Primary tactile thalamus spiking reflects cognitive signals
Megan McDonnell wins President’s Undergraduate Research Award (PURA)
Megan McDonnell, a BME freshman conducting research in the Stanley Lab since January 2018 was awarded a PURA Salary Award, which will allow her to continue her work on the anatomical and functional correlates of the sense of touch during the summer. Find out more about the PURA here
Stanley Lab participates in Science.Art.Wonder
Olivia Cox, a Georgia Tech freshman paired with Aurélie Pala, a postdoc in the Stanley Lab, to create two paintings, entitled “Tickle” and “Optogenetics” illustrating her current research. The project started in the fall of 2017 as part of the Science.Art.Wonder intiative and culminated in a showcase at the Atlanta … More Stanley Lab participates in Science.Art.Wonder
Poster & Workshop at COSYNE 2018
Friday March 2nd 2018 Adam Willats will present his work on state-aware control at Poster II-38 State-aware control of neural activity: design & analysis. Adam Willats, Michael Bolus, Clarissa Whitmire, Garrett Stanley, Christopher Rozell Tuesday March 6th 2018 Garrett Stanley and Christopher Rozell will host a workshop on closed-loop control … More Poster & Workshop at COSYNE 2018