Stanley Lab participates in Science.Art.Wonder

Olivia Cox presents her two paintings “Tickle” and “Optogenetics”

Olivia Cox, a Georgia Tech freshman paired with AurĂ©lie Pala, a postdoc in the Stanley Lab, to create two paintings, entitled “Tickle” and “Optogenetics” illustrating her current research. The project started in the fall of 2017 as part of the Science.Art.Wonder intiative and culminated in a showcase at the Atlanta Science Festival in March 2018.

Read more about Science.Art.Wonder here. See more art from the event here.





The painting, Tickle, shows two different paths the electrical activity takes to travel from one side of the brain to the other. The background shows the electrical activity measured at different locations within the outermost part of the brain. The foreground is a representation of a section through the brain, with two populations of brain cells involved in the transfer of electrical activity identified through their labeling with fluorescent molecules
“Optogenetics” by Olivia Cox

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