Hyma Completes her Rotation

Hyma is a first year graduate student in the neuroscience program at Emory. During her rotation, she worked on mapping the relationship between sensory responses in the thalamus and the different cell types of the somatosensory cortex through low dimensional representations. She is now rotating at Dr. Malavika Murugan’s lab … More Hyma Completes her Rotation

Stanley Lab welcomes rotating student Nmachi Anumba

The Stanley Lab is excited to welcome Nmachi Anumba for the spring semester as a rotating student through the NIH/NIBIB Training in Computational Neural Engineering at Georgia Tech and Emory training grant.  Nmachi recently permanently joined the Keilholz Laboratory at Emory. Congratulations Nmachi!  

Stanley Lab welcomes rotating student Kyle Thomas

The Stanley Lab is excited to welcome Kyle Thomas for the Fall 2019 semester as a rotating student through the new neuroengineering training grant: NIH/NIBIB Training in Computational Neural Engineering at Georgia Tech and Emory.  Kyle recently permanently joined the Sober Laboratory in Emory Neuroscience. Congratulations Kyle!

Audrey Sederberg joins the Stanley Lab

Audrey has her PhD from Princeton University in theoretical biophysics, where she analyzed the structure of correlated variability in developing visual cortical circuits and constructed models that explored the role of inhibition in these circuits. Since then, She has worked in the MacLean and Palmer labs at the University of Chicago, where she used two-photon … More Audrey Sederberg joins the Stanley Lab