We will be attending and presenting at SfN 2022 in San Diego! Please come visit us! Aurelie will present a poster titled “Cell-type specific signatures of bilateral tactile signal integration in awake mouse somatosensory cortices” on Nov. 13, 2022, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM, Session 208.04/M5 Adriano and David will … More Society for Neuroscience Meeting 2022
Society for Neuroscience Meeting 2022
Congratulations to Peter and Caleb for their recently published paper in Neuron!
Congratulations to former lab members Peter Borden and Caleb Wright in their recently published paper in Neuron entitled “Thalamic bursting and the role of timing and synchrony in thalamocortical signaling in the awake mouse” (Borden, Wright, et al., Neuron, 2022). This paper is also being featured in the News and … More Congratulations to Peter and Caleb for their recently published paper in Neuron!
Stanley Lab receives a new grant to study thalamocortical circuits!
We are excited to receive a new NIH/NINDS BRAIN Initiative R01 for the project “Feedback and feedforward gating of sensory signaling through timing in the thalamocortical loop”! Using an array of electrophysiological, genetic, optical, and behavioral approaches, we are dissecting the signal processing of the corticothalamic and thalamocortical circuits in … More Stanley Lab receives a new grant to study thalamocortical circuits!
Welcome Savannah to the team!
We would like to welcome Savannah Linen to our laboratory! Savannah is joining us as an undergraduate research assistant, while she finishes up her bachelor’s degree in Neuroscience from Georgia Tech. Welcome to the team Savannah!
Welcome Nelson to the team!
We would like to welcome Nelson Chang to our laboratory! Nelson is joining as a Research Technician and Laboratory Manager, after receiving his bachelor’s degree from Emory University in Computer Science and Neuroscience. Welcome to the team Nelson!