Congratulations to Michael Bolus for receiving the J. Norman and Rosalyn Wells Fellowship

Michael Bolus, PhD candidate, was awarded the J. Norman and Rosalyn Wells Fellowship for graduate students in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Emory and Georgia Tech. This fellowship is awarded to doctoral students who are conducting meritorious research in the areas of neuroengineering or brain tumors, in recognition of … More Congratulations to Michael Bolus for receiving the J. Norman and Rosalyn Wells Fellowship

Stanley Lab welcomes rotating student Nmachi Anumba

The Stanley Lab is excited to welcome Nmachi Anumba for the spring semester as a rotating student through the NIH/NIBIB Training in Computational Neural Engineering at Georgia Tech and Emory training grant.  Nmachi recently permanently joined the Keilholz Laboratory at Emory. Congratulations Nmachi!  

Stanley Lab welcomes rotating student Kyle Thomas

The Stanley Lab is excited to welcome Kyle Thomas for the Fall 2019 semester as a rotating student through the new neuroengineering training grant: NIH/NIBIB Training in Computational Neural Engineering at Georgia Tech and Emory.  Kyle recently permanently joined the Sober Laboratory in Emory Neuroscience. Congratulations Kyle!

Stanley and Rozell Labs Jointly Awarded New $1.6M CRCNS award

Advances in modern technology have made it possible to precisely measure and manipulate neurons and neural circuits to read and write brain activity at the same time, enabling communication with the brain in the fast timescale on which it operates. The Rozell and Stanley labs are doing just that together … More Stanley and Rozell Labs Jointly Awarded New $1.6M CRCNS award

Society for Neuroscience Meeting 2019

Sunday Oct 20, 2019 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM Peter Borden will present “Thalamic modulation and the shaping of cortical sensory representations in the awake and anesthetized mouse” at Poster Number: 221.19/J21 Authors: P. Y. B. Borden, N. C. Wright, A. J. Sederberg, C. Waiblinger, B. Haider, G. B. Stanley … More Society for Neuroscience Meeting 2019