He Zheng defended her thesis on Aug 5 2015. From her hilarious introduction through her excellent presentation we are very proud of her accomplishment. Her unique personality and brand of humor have graced the lab for many years and she has been an integral member. We wish her all the … More He Zheng defends her thesis
He Zheng defends her thesis
GIFT program participant joins the Stanley Lab
Jocelyn Paez, a 4th grade teacher from the Children’s School in Midtown Atlanta, will be joining the Stanley lab for several weeks this summer. She is a participant in the GIFT program which provides paid summer STEM internships in industry workplaces and university laboratories for K-12 science, mathematics, and technology teachers. … More GIFT program participant joins the Stanley Lab
Whitmire and Stanley win BME graduate awards
4/24/2015 In the inaugural BME graduate student awards held April 24th to honor exceptional graduates students Clarissa Whitmire was nominated in 3 of the 6 categories. While she didn’t win any of the three awards for which she was nominated, her outstanding participation and leadership caused the committee to create a … More Whitmire and Stanley win BME graduate awards
Ferguson Elementary outreach
4/22/15 Alex Ortiz visited Ferguson Elementary in Gwinnett County for their Kindergarten scienceday. Kids rotated classrooms doing or observing various scientific experiments. Alex taught the children about optical illusions and how the brain and eyes work together. Here’s hoping we inspired some future scientists.
Zheng wins best paper award
He Zheng wins the Bioengineering program outstanding paper award for her paper titled The adaptive trade-off between detection and discrimination in cortical representations and behavior published in Neuron. D. R. Ollerenshaw, H. J. V. Zheng, Q. Wang, and G. B. Stanley, The adaptive trade-off between detection and discrimination in cortical representations … More Zheng wins best paper award