SFN 2016 Poster Presentations

Sunday Nov 13th 2016 8am-12pm FF14 149.12 – The role of VPm thalamus in whisker related tactile perception *C. WAIBLINGER1,2,3, C. J. WHITMIRE1, A. J. SEDERBERG1, G. B. STANLEY1, C. SCHWARZ2,3; 1Wallace H Coulter Dept. of Biomed. Engin., Georgia Tech. and Emory, Atlanta, GA; 2Systems Neurophysiol., Werner Reichardt Ctr. for Integrative … More SFN 2016 Poster Presentations

New Perspective Article – Rapid Sensory Adaptation Redux: A Circuit Perspective

In this Perspective, Whitmire and Stanley build links between rapid sensory adaptation at multiple scales of neural circuitry through investigations of differential adaptation effects across brain structures, cell types, and functional classes of neurons. Abstract: Adaptation is fundamental to life. All organisms adapt over timescales that span from evolution to … More New Perspective Article – Rapid Sensory Adaptation Redux: A Circuit Perspective