Data and code from Borden et al., Thalamic bursting and the role of timing and synchrony in thalamocortical signaling in the awake mouse, Neuron, 110(17):2836-2853.e8, 2022. Dryad Link |
Code from Bolus et al., State-space optimal feedback control of optogenetically driven neural activity, Journal of Neural Engineering, 31;18(3), 2021. GitHub Link |
Data and code from Pala and Stanley, Ipsilateral stimulus encoding in primary and secondary somatosensory cortex of awake mice, J. Neurosci., 42(13):2701-2715, 2022. Zenodo Link |
Date and code from Waiblinger et al., Emerging experience-dependent dynamics in primary somatosensory cortex reflect behavioral adaptation, Nature Communications, 13:534, 2022. Dryad Link |
Data and code from Sederberg et al., State-aware detection of sensory stimuli in the cortex of the awake mouse, PLoS Computational Biology, 15 (5), e1006716, 2019. Dryad Link |