Caleb Wright presents research at SfN and Cosyne


Caleb Wright, a post-doc in the lab, recently presented his current research “Rapid sensory adaptation in the mouse thalamocortical circuit, and the relative contribution of thalamic state” to the Society for Neuroscience virtual conference. In addition, he has been accepted to present a poster at the virtual Cosyne conference in February 2021. Congratulations, Caleb!

Garrett Stanley to Direct the McCamish Parkinson’s Disease Innovation Program

Garrett will be the founding Director of the McCamish Parkinson’s Disease Innovation Program.  This is an exciting opportunity to help drive the interface between basic neuroscience and neurotechnology toward helping to understand, treat, and cure Parkinson’s disease and other neurological disorders.  Click here to see the full story.  

Stanley Lab welcomes 2 new students to the team!

The Stanley Lab is excited to welcome 2 new students to the group! Jacqueline Zhu, a 1st year BME PhD student, to the lab. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Physics and Neuroscience from Emory University and previously worked with Dieter Jaeger and Shu Jia.         Adriano … More Stanley Lab welcomes 2 new students to the team!