Maniya will be using machine learning approaches for behavior tracking. Vivek will be helping us to develop hardware for new behavioral paradigms. Welcome!!!
Welcome Maniya and Vivek to the Lab for Spring 2021
Garrett Stanley to Direct the McCamish Parkinson’s Disease Innovation Program
Garrett will be the founding Director of the McCamish Parkinson’s Disease Innovation Program. This is an exciting opportunity to help drive the interface between basic neuroscience and neurotechnology toward helping to understand, treat, and cure Parkinson’s disease and other neurological disorders. Click here to see the full story.
Megan McDonnell Rejoins the Lab!
Welcome back Megan! After spending some time away from the lab, Megan finished her bachelors degree in BME from Georgia Tech. She will be heading to graduate school for neuroscience in the Fall of 2021. Megan will be working as a Lab Technician and Researcher in the lab for the … More Megan McDonnell Rejoins the Lab!